Take Charge of Your Learning
When we were young, parents and society had impressed upon us what to do, what to wear, and what to study. As we grow older,... Read more
Reflections on software and life
When we were young, parents and society had impressed upon us what to do, what to wear, and what to study. As we grow older,... Read more
I recently transferred this website’s domain and hosting from Wix to Namecheap. Wix was great and offered many functionalities and good layouts but there were... Read more
My first exposure to programming was in Grade 8 after hearing classmates brag about creating a computer virus. I soon began copying Batch scripts from... Read more
Several weeks ago, my roommate said to me: “What you hear might not be the truth. And what you see might also not be the... Read more
It might sound like common sense but our own actions and successes are influenced by the teams we work with. In high school, I had... Read more
A single word succinctly conveys a complex subject. For example, the description “the fleshy usually rounded red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a... Read more
Intro We had six courses: four core Computer Engineering courses among which two were shared with Electrical Engineering students, one weekly seminar, and one elective.... Read more
Imagine a civilization that relied on bartering. You get this if I get that – tit for tat, apple for orange, donkey for horse, food... Read more
This post aims to answer the question: How do we prioritize which software concepts to learn? Deciding which goals to prioritize is a strategic decision.... Read more
My high school math teacher once assigned my class to write a paper that demonstrated a math concept and how it applied to real life.... Read more